Dead Bugs Don’t Bite!

Keeping Household Safe and Free From Pests

Is your home a safe haven for you and your family, or is it a safe haven for bugs and their families?

We are committed to making your home the comfortable haven that you deserve. Like you, we enjoy Arizona living and we want to play an active role in making our homes and communities a better place to raise children, run our businesses and forge a future filled with unlimited promise, free from the worries of unwanted pests invading our personal space.

Find Effective Household Pest Control Solutions

Pick American Desert Pest Control in Gilbert, Arizona for solutions that work. We are committed to making your home the comfortable haven that you deserve.

Like you, we enjoy Arizona living, and we want to play an active role in making homes and communities the best places to raise children, run businesses, and forge a future filled with unlimited promise.

Enjoy all this free from the worries of unwanted pests invading your personal space.

Our Values





Prioritize Safety, Health, and Comfort

Count on us to make sure your home remains a haven where every member of the household can live, relax, and enjoy its pest-free warmth and comfort. We always do our best for the well-being of you and your loved ones.